I can already see many of you shaking your head with regards to this article. What exactly is an indie video game? Why does this question even need to be asked?! Everyone already knows what an indie video game is, right?! Well, tell that to The Game Awards, the largest and most notable awards in the gaming industry! As I write this, the nominations for The Game Awards 2023 have been announced and one of the discussion points has turned out to be one that no one was expecting. You see, among the titles nominated for Best Independent Game is Dave the Diver, a well-received game that certainly looks like something you’d associate with indie games but is actually made by a subsidiary of Nexon, a company whose value is in the billions of dollars and employs thousands! This fact did not escape notice and, while I’m not sure if The Game Awards will make any changes based on the response, I thought it time to discuss indie video games and what exactly they are.
Let’s start by defining what an indie video game is. Indie is short for independent and refers to video games that have been developed outside of the traditional production of game development which involves being funded by a publisher. While independent development of video games have been around for some time, it was the advent of digital distribution in the 00s that led to the explosive growth in independent video game developers whose contributions to the industry have only grown and grown over the years. Many of these games have proven to be so critically and commercially successful that even so-called AAA developers and publishers have taken note of their innovation and incorporated it into their own projects.