I adore JRPGs, even with all of their flaws, and, while I don’t play as many of them these days as I would like due to time restrictions and my growing interest in other video game genres, many of my fondest video game memories involve my time in the world of JRPGs. While I was tempted to write a top 5 JRPGs of all time, the fact is that I’d have to put a lot of time into remembering ones that I played when I was younger and on other systems. Therefore, I thought it may be better to simply list some of my favourite JRPGs of all time (one per franchise) and recommend them, strongly, to anyone looking to play the genre for the first time or merely looking for their next JRPG to play.

Originally releasing for the Sega Saturn in 1997, the first Grandia game proves to be a remarkable JRPG. The story follows the characters of Justin and Sue who discover that the Spirit Stone left by Justin’s father is connected to an ancient civilisation in the east and set out on a journey to discover it. The story itself has a great sense of wonder and some surprising twists and turns alongside a wide-range of charming characters. The art-style for the game is heavily anime-inspired with even a few anime cutscenes throughout the game and holds up well, particularly due to the HD remaster done recently. However, it’s the combat system that really allows the game to forge its own identity. Starting out as a relatively simple turn-based combat system, you quickly learn that the game does not feature a typical “Attack” command as in many other JRPGs. Instead, it features a “Combo” attack which sees your character do two quick physical attacks and a “Critical” attack which does a single strong attack that, when timed correctly, can cancel enemy attacks. The effect is that even regular battles become an engaging experience as you figure out whether it’s better to do more damage or to prevent an attack from hitting you. Grandia is a gem and I think it’s a game that has stood the test of time and remains one of the best experiences within the genre.
Final Fantasy IX

Not only would I consider Final Fantasy IX to be my favourite JRPG but I also consider it to be my favourite video game ever made! I believe that the game has the best cast of characters of any Final Fantasy game as well as a story that expertly blends drama and comedy to create an adventure that moves effortlessly between the comedic interactions of its cast to dark moments that force the characters to rethink their views of their world. The gameplay is also superb with a fascinating system where your characters learn abilities and skills from the equipment they use and some of my favourite side-quests and minigames I’ve ever experienced in a video game! That is not to mention the graphics which, in my mind, are the very best of what the PS1 offered and I believe that this game is one of the few games from the PS1 era that remains graphically beautiful by today’s standard.
Valkyria Chronicles

Valkyria Chronicles was a stunning masterpiece when it came out but it was tragically slept on, only really seeing success when it was ported to the PC. A tactical RPG, Valkyria Chronicles follows a Gallian militia unit as they fight back against an invasion by the much larger and more powerful East Europan Imperial Alliance. The story itself is heartfelt and emotional and, while not excessively violent, demonstrates the suffering and pain that war causes. Missions are well-structured and enjoyable as you use several unit types to complete your objectives although I do admit that the enemy AI can act quite odd on occasion. The visuals themselves are also delightful, using a proprietary game engine called CANVAS to create a gorgeous art-style that resembles watercolour artwork. Valkyria Chronicles is superb and it’s a tragedy that this game and its series have been so overlooked.
Persona 4

When I heard the news that Persona 4 was coming to PC in the form of Persona 4 Golden, I was overjoyed! I’d played Persona 4 about a decade before but I’d missed the true ending to the game so getting the chance to replay it in its expanded form was a delight. The setup to the game is that some mysterious murders have taken place and a group of high school students realise that these murders are connected to a mysterious TV channel that requires these students to traverse its depths in order to save the lives of those trapped within. The gameplay is broken up between sequences where you live the life of a high schooler by taking exams, making friends, getting part-time jobs etc. and exploring the world inside the TV which features turn-based combat and character development via the titular Personas. The music and art-style of the game is superb and it blossoms into an unforgettable experience that’s quite unlike any other.
Dark Souls

Dark Souls is a lot of things to me. A masterpiece that transformed the way I viewed game design, the first game I ever played using a controller on PC, a game that made me appreciate video game difficulty in a new way etc. Taking place in the land of Lordran, you play an undead who’s managed to escape from the Northern Undead Asylum, tasked with finding the Bells of Awakening and fulfilling the prophecy of the Chosen Undead. The game is hard and, if you’re unfamiliar with souls-likes, takes a lot of learning to understand how best to play. However, the sheer variety of character builds is truly astounding and makes the game highly replayable and the combat system is so good that numerous imitators have adopted the style. The story can be quite hard to grasp if you’re not digging too deep but there are some truly astounding revelations to be found that change your view of the entire story if you go looking for it. That’s not to mention the fantastic designs, amazing bosses and the stellar soundtrack which is used minimally but highly effectively.
Let me know what you think of my all time favourite JRPGs listed here, what some of your favourite all time JRPGs are, whether you’ve played any of the games here and, if you have, what you thought of them, what you think about JRPGs overall and any additional information you might have on the topic.
Thanks for reading and if you wish to seek any of the titles I mentioned, don’t hesitate to use amazon.co.uk or amazon.com for all of your needs! Also feel free to follow my curator page on Steam “JRPG Reviews” for thoughts and opinions on any JRPGs that I play and my YouTube channel “Victory Achieved Gaming” where I guide my friend through challenging games.