I’ve recently been getting into a live-action TV series called “American Horror Story”, surprise, surprise, and while I was watching the first season, I noticed that a character called Violet was reading a manga, Nana to be specific. While gaining a newfound respect for the character for her good taste in manga, I also enjoyed the fact that it was subtle. I only recognised that it was Nana due to my familiarity with the series and, save for a brief shot which clearly shows off manga artwork, most people would probably mistake it for a prose novel. Soon after, I began to think about other anime and manga references in Western media.
Western animated series and films in particular contain many references to anime and manga. This makes sense to me as many modern animators are fans of the mediums of anime and manga. Easily one of the most famous examples of this is the appearance of a Totoro plushie in Toy Story 3. John Lasseter stated in an interview “we thought it was a very appropriate homage to let Studio Ghibli know how much they mean to us“.