If you’ve been reading my blog for even a small amount of time, you’ll know that my preferred format in general is physical. However, as part of my passion for horror, I ended up subscribing to a streaming service called “Shudder” last year and have been making use of it for horror films that I either can’t get or are too pricey in their physical release. However, an interesting discovery I made recently was that Shudder do actually release some of their exclusive content on DVD/Blu-ray. I was quite stunned and overjoyed but, upon thinking about it further, it reminded me how much content is becoming locked behind streaming. Therefore, I thought it might be interesting to take a look at streaming services, their relationship to DVD/Blu-ray and how I wish that they released their content on home video.
Let’s begin by looking at the history of arguably the most notable of all streaming services, Netflix. Interestingly, Netflix actually started out as a rental service for DVDs. Subscribers originally were able to pick from a catalogue of DVDs which would be sent via a package whose return was already paid for. Once Netflix actually began to produce original content, a smattering of their initial releases eventually found their way to DVD such as House of Cards and Orange Is the New Black. However, as time has gone on, we’ve seen less and less of these series make their way over. That’s not even mentioning that hardly any of their original films have made their way over! It would be one thing if this issue merely applied to Netflix but we’ve seen other streaming services such as Disney+ and Amazon Prime take a similar approach.