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My Thoughts on Censorship in Manga

I was recently perusing some anime/manga news sites and came across several articles about censorship with regards to manga. This provoked memories of some manga that I own and read that have featured censorship. However, not all censorship is equal and I intend to give my own thoughts on censorship in manga.

The first thing that I should clarify is that I oppose any censorship that changes the context of the story. I believe that any work of art is entitled to tell the story the way it wants and to have someone besides the creator change that is reprehensible. However, most of the censorship that I’m going to cover here does not change the story and will be judged based on if it affects the reader’s immersion and whether it changes the intent of the scene.

The Viz Media cover of volume 5 of I”s.

The first example that I would like to touch on is a series called “I”s” from which I can recall two scenes of censorship. In the first volume of the series, the main character, Ichitaka, is shown a picture from a magazine of a naked model with his love interest’s head superimposed onto the body. He understandably freaks out but what I was freaking out about was how obviously censored the picture was with two stars covering the nipples. The glaring censorship immediately took me out of the story and reminded me that I was reading.

However, a later volume actually does feature some inconspicuous censorship when the characters are at a spa. In the original Japanese release, we saw the exposed breasts of the female guests. However, in the Viz Media edition that I have, some touch up art was used to tastefully use the steam to conceal the breasts. In contrast to the censorship found in the first volume, I found the art used in the censorship did not interfere with my reading experience.

Perhaps one of the most glaringly obvious forms of censorship I have ever seen in a manga.

Amongst the worst censorship I have ever seen in a Western release of a manga comes from volume 23 of the Viz Media release of Hunter x Hunter. Near the beginning of the volume, Killua is fighting a chimera ant and kills him by twisting his neck. However, what we see is a very ugly rectangular black box covering the neck in two panels. This proved extremely disruptive to my immersion and drew me out of the story.

However, it is interesting to note that this censorship can sometimes be reverted. When I learned of Viz Media’s release of Fullmetal Alchemist, I learned that a scene in volume 8 had been censored. This scene depicted the character Envy on a stone cross but for the Western release, Viz decided to turn the cross into a slab. I fully expected this when I picked up the Fullmetal Alchemist manga boxset but I found that the volume (in its fifth printing) had reverted the scene back to the original.

The original censor which has since been reverted by Viz Media.

Censorship is a very ugly word in the anime/manga community and many of these censors were derided by fans at their release. However, I think it is important that not all censorship be tarred with the same brush. I think that, as long as the story remains intact and the censorship remains inconspicuous, we should be able to tolerate these modifications. Let me know what you think of my thoughts on manga censorship, what your own thoughts are and any examples that you found noteworthy.

Hopefully you have found this article interesting and informative and, if you wish to seek any of the works I mentioned, don’t hesitate to use and for all of your needs!


  1. Haydn Haydn

    Censoring breasts is tasteful but censoring decapitation is bad? Your morality seems quite backwords.
    All censorship is bad, even censorship for kids is unnecessary.

    • Immortallium Immortallium

      I had to reread my article since it’s been quite a while since I wrote it. If I had my way, there would be no censorship in any media whatsoever. However, it’s a fact that censorship still happens so I thought I’d discuss the method of censorship. My problem with the censorship of Hunter x Hunter isn’t the content but the method. It stands out as glaringly obvious censorship and is disruptive to my immersion. In contrast, the censorship in the later volume of I”s was so well done that I’d suspect most readers don’t even realise that there is censorship in the first place (and more importantly it doesn’t interfere with the story). You’re free to criticise my morality but I would hope you understand where I’m coming from.

      • Haydn Haydn

        Don’t worry, I understood the point of the article. I just don’t think we should be accepting and understanding of such disingenuous practices. My morality comment was a playful joke, I wasn’t seriously judging you or anything.

        • Immortallium Immortallium

          I appreciate that. No problems by the way.

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