I typically discuss the topics of anime, manga and video games on this blog but, considering the time of year (as well as the precedents set last year), I thought that now might be an appropriate time to share the story of how I rediscovered my love for horror movies in 2020.
For a long time, I had not been watching many films, instead focusing on watching anime, reading manga and playing video games. Near the end of 2019 however, I decided to pickup and watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and I eventually set up a schedule where I would watch a movie every Monday and Thursday. After I had finished watching the MCU films, I decided to continue this practise.
Around February of this year (which feels so long ago now!), I decided to rewatch a film called “Cabin in the Woods”. I had seen the film in cinema back in 2012 but had picked up the Blu-ray for cheap at a retail store. Upon rewatching the film I was immediately entranced at the style, humour and the clever references to horror tropes and clichés and to other horror films and franchises.
I could not stop thinking about horror films after Cabin in the Woods. My passion for them had been reignited and I quickly began perusing blogs, news sites, YouTube videos and more for lists of greatest horror films of all time and best horror films of the past decade in an effort to create a wishlist of movies to pickup. Only around two weeks later, I picked up 19 horror films and began to consume them.
You would think that 19 movies would be enough but, even after I had watched all 19 films, I had still not had enough to satisfy me. I felt like I had only dipped my toe into what horror has to offer me, particularly with regards to world cinema. I ordered some more DVDs and Blu-Rays in April, one of which was a movie called “Martyrs”. I had heard of New French Extremity and was eager to see what French cinema could offer me. I was very impressed with Martyrs and have since begun to explore some other New French Extremity titles such as Frontiers, Dans Ma Peau, Revenge etc.

While the New French Extremity represents a specific category of world cinema that had piqued my interest, I have also made it an effort to seek out films produced from a variety of countries rather than specifically the USA. Since February, in addition to films from the USA, UK and France, I have also watched movies made by Italian, Australian, New Zealander and Korean creators (just to name a few). I’m always interested in seeing how people from different cultures interpret the genre in new and inventive ways (I would particularly like to see some Indian horror films but have thus far found it difficult to find any).
Something that continues to amaze me is the variety that horror has to offer. Over the course of this year, I have seen horror films that appear more drama than horror (Hereditary, It Comes at Night), horror films that have proved to be very comedic (Reanimator, You’re Next, Ready or Not), surreal horror films (Possession, Eyes Without a Face) and so much more. I had truly forgotten how varied this genre can be and I am continually seeking out new types of horror films that I have not come across before.

2020 has been a tough year for many people but, for me, I shall remember it as the year that I rediscovered my love for horror movies. I have watched over 40 horror films since February and I am continually seeking out more and more. Let me know your thoughts on my horror collection, any films I have mentioned, any films you would recommend and what films you watched around Halloween!
Hopefully you have found this article interesting and informative and, if you wish to seek any of the works I mentioned, don’t hesitate to use amazon.co.uk or amazon.com for all of your needs!