As a fan of horror media, it would only make sense that I’d search for something similar when it comes to anime, manga and video games. While the survival horror genre is well established within video games, I find horror surprisingly difficult to find when it comes to the other two, anime more so than manga. Regardless, there is a franchise that spans anime, manga and video games that is heavily associated with horror. Having only just watched the first three seasons of the anime recently, I thought it might be interesting to provide an overview of the Higurashi franchise and see how this series ended up becoming surprisingly expansive.
The Higurashi franchise began in 2002 as a series of independent visual novels that were created by Ryukishi07 and the doujin circle 07th Expansion that were distributed at Comiket. These are set in the village of Hinamizawa where mysterious events occur and a looming sense of threat hang over the cast of characters. Despite the original artwork proving to be quite crude and the lack of interactivity, the games proved to be popular due to the numerous theories that people developed about what was happening and there ended up being eight main entries alongside several fan discs.