Even in an industry with as much history as that of manga, innovation continues to be a necessity in order to keep up with the demands of consumers. In my personal opinion, no development has been as fascinating as the rise of simulpub manga since it is one of the most obvious responses to a major problem that I’ve ever seen. Alongside the fact that there are numerous advantages and disadvantages with this release format, I thought it might be interesting to take a look at this fascinating development, the history leading up to simulpub manga and my thoughts and opinions on it.
Let’s start with defining what simulpub manga is. The word “Simulpub” is a portmanteau of the words “Simultaneous” and “Publication” and refers to releasing a chapter of manga digitally outside of Japan near simultaneously with its Japanese release. What this usually means is that the chapter is released outside of Japan within 24 hours which is a remarkable, I might even use the word incredible, release schedule and much, MUCH, faster than the historical release of chapters.