As someone who is a fan of both anime and manga, it’s easy to forget that there are numerous aspects to them that can be confusing to people unfamiliar with them. One particularly interesting aspect that is terribly easy to forget is the visual language of anime and manga itself, referred to as “Manpu”. Therefore, I thought it might be interesting to take a look at the topic, a possible reason for its development and a few examples of manpu.
The word manpu is written in Japanese as 漫符 which can be translated as “Manga Symbols”. As for why they developed in the first place, the only definitive reason that I’ve come across was when I was reading “The Osamu Tezuka Story” and, while Osamu Tezuka was developing the first Astro Boy TV series, he incorporated many techniques in an effort to keep costs down. One of these techniques, of which there were many, was to simplify animating character emotions by adding a visual sign rather than trying to animate the face. Of course, manpu may very well predate this but this is the earliest example that I’m aware of.