I was perusing some gaming websites, in particular PC Gamer, and I came across a news story that momentarily got me incredibly excited. It turned out that a developer named Ighor July managed to find a complete list of games within the GeForce Now database which included some games that were recently announced and, much more interestingly, numerous games that have never been announced! The sheer number of games that were potentially leaked is unbelievable and near unprecedented. However, several details have since surfaced that have both confirmed the validity of these leaks as well as how some of these games may not actually be in development. Therefore, I thought it worth discussing the exciting but not straightforward Nvidia games leaks.
First, I should give some background on these leaks. GeForce Now is a cloud gaming service run by Nvidia allowing users to play a variety of games for a subscription as well as some games you own under a “bring your own games” system. According to Ighor’s own blog post on Medium, he accessed the console.log when you download GeForce Now, found app configurations and used them to fetch “the list of all of the games from GFN servers”. This resulted in a list of over 18,000 games which included a lot of game development applications but, more importantly for this article, also included numerous games that haven’t been announced yet.